CS60/ID600 Software Release Notes ================================= Version 23.1.2329 ----------------- **Important: Jobs from earlier versions are not fully compatible with version 23.1. You must re-create jobs if you want to use the new features.** ### Improvements * The nVision-i software is multilingual and now supports Spanish, Italian and Korean, in addition to the formerly supported languages English, German, French and Chinese. * The setup program is multilingual and supports English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Korean and Chinese. There is no need any more for separate installers for each language. * Output ports can now be operated in NPN (active low) mode, which is common in Asian countries. * The image border is now visualized by a thin colored line, so that the image boundary can be easily seen. * The emulator can show the borders of the low- and high-resolution models: 736 x 480 and 1440 x 1080. * The software can now optionally hilite overflow pixels in yellow and underflow pixels in blue color. * The nVision-i sofware can now flash the LEDs with the Blink command. This function allows you to quickly identify a sensor out of several. * A sensor is only listed by nVision-i, if it is located within the same network segment. In order to access a sensor in a different segment, you can manually enter its IP address to connect to it. * The barcode symbology is now available as a secondary result in the logic tool. * The statistics test now displays internal data handling times, so that the sum of the tool times plus data handling times equals the cycle time. * The cycle time of the sensor was considerably improved. * Add Code 93 decoders. * A gain setting was added to improve acquisition under low-light conditions. * Shading correction was added to compensate vignetting. * Distortion correction was added to compensate optical distortion. * Calibration was implemented to be able to measure in mm instead of pixels. * Correlation matching method was improved. * Geometric matching was implemented as an additional matching method. * Keypoint matching was implemented as an additional matching method. * Many additional blob analysis features have been added to the area tools. These features can be used and transmitted in the logic tool. * The exposure time can be entered numerically, when external illumination is used. ### Bug Fixes * The Count Barcodes tool showed wrong coordinates of the codes. Fixed. * The Count Barocdes tool did not find Data Matrix codes. Fixed. * Sometimes an acquired image contained runs of black pixels by error. Fixed. * When a pose was linked, the job was always set dirty, and the user was asked if he wants to save the job. Fixed. * The sort node in the logic tool sorted integer numbers in a lexicographic way, i.e. 1, 10, 2, etc. Now the list is sorted numerically. * A string sent by TCP/IP push was not reset when a job-change occurred. Now the string is cleared in this case. * When a job-change is carried out through external means, the editor in nVision-i is closed and the user is alerted that his changes may be lost. * The x,y coordinates and the color at the mouse position were not immediately visualized on the status bar after a tool insert. Fixed. * A histogram visualization sometimes used the wrong colors. Fixed. * Sometimes the Locate tools did not properly display the pose in the user interface. Fixed. * Under some circumstances an ROI could jump when the reference locate tool was changed. Fixed. * Fix several translation errors in different languages. * Dotcode could not be selected manually nor auto-detected. Fixed. * The Measure Distance tool now shows the distance below the tool, consistent to the implementation of other tools. * Some tools showed their results in the wrong font size, so that they were not easily readable when zoomed. Fixed. * When tools delivered no results (null), the respective outputs (digital, Profinet, TCP/IP) did not run and output values. Fixed. * Boolean nodes did not handle null inputs and did not run. Now, a null is handled the same way as a logical False value. * The circle completeness was not calculated properly. Fixed. * The web browser showed the statistics from the warmup job. Fixed. * The sensor could crash due to concurrency issues, when a job was closed. Fixed. * The sensor could crash due to concurrency issues, when a job was removed. Fixed. * The default IP address in the documentation was wrong. Fixed. ### Known Problems * When nVision-i is connected, the Profinet connection might be aborted. If this happens, you can change the Profinet connection retry count up to a maximum of 240 (8 ms * 240 = 1.92 s). Version 22.1.2042 ----------------- **Important: Jobs from earlier versions are not fully compatible with version 22.1. You must re-create jobs if you want to use the new features.** ### Improvements * The CS-60 vision sensors have been recertified for PROFINET. * nVision-i no longer needs a user specific license key. License activation is sufficient. * The firmware of a sensor must match the version of nVision-i (formerly that was not enforced). * The tool result nodes were unified on all pages. * A "Within Range" node was added to the mathematic nodes. * A sensor is shipped with a date set to 1970. The date will be set automatically on connection to a PC. * A part number is displayed for a sensor to make it easier to identify the model. * A tool can only be deleted when confirmed in a dialog. * Added functions and channels for TCP/IP push. * General speed improvements due to optimizations and updated compiler toolchain. * Improvements to barcode decoder: additional codabar checksum modes. * Improvements to barcode decoder: additional conversion of UPC-A to EAN-13. * Improvements to barcode decoder documentation. * Gateway has been added to the network settings. An FTP server can now be outside of the sensor subnet. ### Bug Fixes * Some dialog boxes did not respect the dark mode. Fixed. * Under some conditions the pose of some tools was lost during reboot. Fixed. * Some secondary results of tools did have the wrong types. Fixed. * Deleting connections with converters between nodes could crash the runtime. Fixed. * There was a halp-pixel offset in pixel coordinates (only recognizable on deep zoom factors). Fixed. * A TCP/IP command with incorrect syntax (i.e. "set t") could freeze the communication. Fixed. * In dark mode not all elements (PLC inputs, outputs) were displayed correctly. Fixed. * The Detect Barcode and Locate Barcode tools did not recognize mirrored codes. Fixed. * Preprocessing in circle tool was applied to wrong region. Fixed. * The pose was lost when the locate tool was inserted after the consuming tool. Fixed. * Digital IO job change did not work after reboot with no bootjob. Fixed. * A digital IO job change to a job with free-running acquisition freezed the sensor. Fixed. ### Known Problems * When nVision-i is connected, the Profinet connection might be aborted. If this happens, you can change the Profinet connection retry count up to a maximum of 240 (8 ms * 240 = 1.92 s). * Job Changes with the digital inputs sometimes miss pulses and therefore may detect a job slot that is slightly too small. You can counter this effect by using gaps in the slots or adding a job into multiple slots. Version 21.2.1864 ----------------- **Important: Jobs from earlier versions are not fully compatible with version 21.2. You must re-create jobs if you want to use the new features.** ### Improvements * The web server can be used to get timing statistics. * The cycle time of the sensor has been stabilized. * The GSD file has been changed to handle both CS60 and ID600. * Add DotCode and Code 49 decoders. * Linked inputs can be used in logic tool. * The graphical pipelines in the logic tool have more options and have been unified. * Usage of the graphical pipelines and nodes have been documented in the manual and in online help. * nVision-i warns if the DPM license is missing (when a customer upgrades an existing installation). * Improved DPM decoding (dot-peen, etched) is available with an additional DPM license. * An emulator for the ID600 has been implemented. * Implemented new ID600 product line (fix-mount barcode decoder). The ID600 has barcode tools only. ### Bug Fixes * Measurement on synthetic images with 0 and 255 pixels only did not work properly. Fixed. * Sometimes the barcode decoder reported wrong positions. Fixed. ### Known Problems * When nVision-i is connected, the Profinet connection might be aborted. If this happens, you can change the Profinet connection retry count up to a maximum of 240 (8 ms * 240 = 1.92 s). * Job Changes with the digital inputs sometimes miss pulses and therefore may detect a job slot that is slightly too small. You can counter this effect by using gaps in the slots or adding a job into multiple slots. Version 21.1.1583 ----------------- **Important: Jobs from earlier versions are not fully compatible with version 21.1. You must re-create jobs if you want to use the new features.** ### Improvements * Optimized pipeline execution with respect to memory usage and performance. * Timing of digital outputs is more accurate. * Reduced the inspection cycle time variances. * Reduced the chance of out-of-memory exceptions by avoiding unneccesary allocations. * Allow identification of CS60 devices via basic documented network protocol. * Improved the job load and job change speed. * Reduced the chance of out-of-memory exceptions through new job format. * Display job information (version and requirements) on overview page. * If digital inputs are used to change jobs, a digital output line can be used to acknowledge the job change. * Accelerated image display with the integrated web server. * Certain aspects of the CS60 Profinet communication are now similar to the Checker C4G communication. This makes it easier to replace the C4G with a CS60. ### Bug Fixes * Locator tool references did not work in Chinese language. Fixed. * Secondary result comparisons on Logic Digital Outputs were not evaluated properly, if the tool had an error. Fixed. * Exclude Logic Tool from Results tab, to avoid circular definitions. * Image borders are no longer detected as edges when the ROI includes outside portions. * License detection did not work properly, if hard disk with leading or trailing spaces in the name was used in system. Fixed. * License detection did not work properly, if network adapters were disabled. Fixed. * The Telnet results? command of the CS60 only worked reliably, when the Webserver was enabled. Fixed. * Some EAN codes with leading zeroes were sometimes identified incorrectly. Fixed. * The Count Areas tool used the wrong comparison to filter the area size. Fixed. * The sharpness setting in the Locate Edge/Measure Angle/Measure Distance tools was incorrect when linking was used. * The direction in the Measure Circle tool was incorrect when linking was used. * The smoothing parameter in the Measure Circle tool was inversely calculated. * The histogram in the Detect Edge Pixels tool was visualized incorrectly. * The smoothing setting in the Count Edges tool was inconsistent with other tools (0 Sharp - 4 Blurred instead of 1 Burred - 4 Sharp). * The angle calculation in the Detect Barcode tool was wrong. * Network interface enumeration caused the inspection to stutter. The network interfaces are now cached to reduce the stuttering. ### Known Problems * When nVision-i is connected, the Profinet connection might be aborted. If this happens, you can change the Profinet connection retry count up to a maximum of 240 (8 ms * 240 = 1.92 s). * Job Changes with the digital inputs sometimes miss pulses and therefore may detect a job slot that is slightly too small. You can counter this effect by using gaps in the slots or adding a job into multiple slots. * Sometimes the barcode decoder reports wrong positions. * The cycle time of the sensor may be unstable. Due to garbage collection and memory usage, there are outliers up to three times the average cycle time. Version 20.6.1297 ----------------- **Important: Jobs from earlier versions are not fully compatible with version 20.6. You must re-create jobs if you want to use the new features.** ### Improvements * Reduced memory usage when loading/switching jobs. ### Bug Fixes * The boot job is no longer set automatically to the first job. * The factory reset now clears the boot job, to break endless boot cycles in seldom cases. * Sometimes, sensors were not shown when nVision-i was started. This has been fixed. * Initial Profinet frame from CS60 did not reflect the proper state. Bug was introduced in 20.5. * The results in the Profinet frame will be cleared when a job changes. * Setting the sensor time may have closed the connection. * The FTP timeout has been increased from 5 to 30 seconds (helps with logins on FileZilla). ### Known Problems * The cycle time of the sensor may be unstable. Due to garbage collection and memory usage, there are outliers up to three times the average cycle time. Version 20.5.1275 ----------------- **Important: Jobs from earlier versions are not fully compatible with version 20.5. You must re-create jobs if you want to use the new features.** ### New Functions * A TCP/IP command interface has been implemented. * The high resolution CS60-BM38 sensor was integrated. * FTP/SFTP text download was added. * The clock of the CS60 can be set manually with nVision-i (it is no longer automatically set by NTP time servers) * A comment node was added to the graphical pipeline editors. ### Bug Fixes * The statistics window now shows the total cycle time instead of the mere inspection time. * The job creation time was removed, the job modification time remains. * The timing of the digital outputs was improved to be more stable. * Several characters (/, \, *, ?, |, <, >, ") in job names are no longer allowed, since they prevented that the job file could be saved properly. * Sometimes barcodes have been read and returned twice. * Due to automatic code detection the count barcode tool had slow behaviour. * The count barcode tool did not save settings properly. * If by chance a user PC had a "C:\Data" directory, the nVision-i software behaved erroneously. * The Point to Line tool displayed two result lines instead of one. * Reduced the memory usage of the nVision runtime. * Improved the performance of the nVision runtime. * Reduced the network traffic between the CS60 and nVision-i. * Reworked the input link types to use better fitting types (i.e. Bytes for values from 0..255). * The Locate Area tool did not always visualize the area in the proper color. * When tools were renamaed, sometimes the proper pose was lost. * Trigger delay in virtual trigger mode was not calculated properly, output timing was incorrect. * In some tools wrong link types were used for some parameters. * Device identification excessively enumerated network devices, causing a slow UI reaction. * Reduced the memory usage of the built-in webserver. ### Known Problems * Sometimes, sensors are not shown when nVision-i is started. A restart of nVision-i fixes it. * The cycle time of the sensor may be unstable. Due to garbage collection and memory usage, there are outliers up to three times the average cycle time. Version 20.4.1219 ----------------- ### New Functions * Implemented drag'n'drop for tool list. * Implemented control of external illumination with adapted exposure times. * Implemented circular and ring ROIs in addition to rectangular ones. * The log files from the emulator can be downloaded the same way than for sensors. * The downloaded log files can optionally include the job files. * Add the SFTP (Secure FTP) method to the FTP upload functionality. * When the emulator stops with the stop button, it is removed from the device list instantaneously. * The emulator now has different icons for start and stop states. * Include a count barcodes tool. * Rebooting the CS60 is now possible from within nVision-i. * Add more information to the log files, such as configuration files. * The barcode icons now also include a 2D code to emphasize that the tools can decode both 1D and 2D codes. * The high-resolution sensor CS60-BM3 was integrated. * Integrated french and chinese translations of software and manual. ### Bug Fixes * Images were not always passed through the tool pipeline. * Rounding of measurements sometimes led to false min/max checks. * The statistic tool cleared the modified flag of a job, and thus could prevent saving. * Preprocessing in the Count Edges tool did not work, removed. * Reduce memory footprint on the CS60 by 5 MB by reducing doubly used code. * nVision-i may abort sending device discovery messages when sending on one endpoint failed. * FTP server configuration node: host/port/user/password ports cannot be connected to pipeline inputs any more. * Profinet read/write nodes: ports with static information cannot be connected to pipeline inputs any more. * New GSD file with shortened order id CS60. * The help file display for the detect barcode tool was wrong. * nVision-i could crash when files from the windows explorer were dragged over the device or job lists. * Avoid queuing of job change notifications. * Properly dispose TCP/IP objects to prevent exception on shutdown. * Group icon were missing on the ribbon. * Switching to the Result tool made it impossible to insert new tools in certain cases. * Edge detection was offset by half a pixel. * Some DPM codes were unreadable. Implementing preprocessing in the barcode decoder tools helps reading those codes. ### Known Problems * Sometimes, sensors are not shown when nVision-i is started. A restart of nVision-i fixes it. Version 20.3.1161 ----------------- * First public release.